How to Create a Reseller WHM

Just as Reseller packages can create cPanel accounts for customers, Dedicated and VPS packages can create Reseller accounts. The following instructions will demonstrate how to create a Reseller account for a new user.

You must have a VPS or Dedicated hosting package with root WHM (rWHM) to do this.

To create a Reseller account in WHM:

  1. Log in to WHM.
  2. Look for the Create a New Account section. The quickest way is by typing a keyword on the Search box either on the left-side panel or at the top of the page.

    WHM - Search boxes

  3. Click on Create a New Account under the Account Functions section. 

    WHM - Create A New Account

  4. Provide the necessary new account information.

    Domain Information

  5. Navigate to the  Reseller Settings section and put a checkmark on the Make the account a reseller option.

    Create Reseller Account

    (Optional) You can put a checkmark on Make the account own itself so the owner can modify the account.
  6. Click Create.

Your reseller customer will now be able to access and log in with the cPanel username and password you just created.

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